Archives de catégorie : Routine d’auto massage

Warm up session SQIA collaboration

Warm up session – with the Body Movement Routine and Self-Massage technique
in order to Move our bodies, warm up the muscular tissues and activate blood circulation.

This Routine is dedicated to the Youth but as well to every Inuit of all ages.
Go to for video links or more information

Ulaakut ! Hi !

I am Renaud Phaneuf and I am a therapist working with bodywork and practicing massage therapy since 15 years now. My practice is specialized around emotional healing and deep tissues techniques to release pain. You can find more information at:

In this routine, I m inviting you to follow instructions freely.
At any moment, do what you want before following demonstration.
This practice is about listening to yourself and welcome what emerge with your own personal expression and your own touch.

I use visualization and guided meditations by times to help to observe what is there and breathe with it.

Adapt the movements to yourself and do not feel obliged to follow any instruction. Here is all about emergence and what you want to be present to.

Démonstration of a Self-Massage Routine

Here are some informations and notions that I will
make you practice with the Self-Massage Routine.

Create a good ambiance around you in your space
so you can close eyes and be ready to listen
and look what is there inside you.

Warm up (the image of creating a fire)
Put all your attention to your PRESENCE

Massage one hand to start and then make fluid movements
from your hand to your forearm, and then to shoulder.
Switch side. Take your time and go at your own rhythms.

Observe your physical sensations.
If it’s painful, don’t go to hard and choose smoothness. Go slower.
Massage your neck, your head and even your face if you want.

Put one hand on the belly and the other one on your hearth.
And now listen to yourself.
To your physical sensations and to the emotional emergence, if there is.

Breathe in
Breathe out.

Relaxe your jaws. You can open your mouth a little bit.

Breathe in and breathe out. At your own rhythm.
Excell by the mouth. Repeat as long as you need it.